Monday, July 27, 2009

Blackout Begins

So, I just came home from LA, where I was on the world's crappiest internet ever.

And now I'm home. Joy, right?


AT&T, or as I would like to call them, GayT&T, cut our internet about two weeks ahead of schedule because we are switching to that dreamy-fast internet service called Comcast. One of those weeks was spent in LA, where when I had time I could chug around the internet at 0.5 mbps. Here I have the neighbor's internet, and that's it. Until Comcast.

So I'll be on very sparingly, because I have to be standing right near the fence to receive any wifi.

Blackout begins now.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome! :)

    If you have any questions or need any assistance, please email our team. We're here whenever and if ever you need us. :)

    Kind Regards,
    Melissa Mendoza
    Comcast Customer Connect
    National Customer Operations
